Banana Chocolate Coconut Creme Cake Suprise


This cake is a cake surprise, because you may not believe at first what the ingredients are. It´s amazing, because it is only fruits and vegetables. Yes you read it right :) Vegetables. I was so stoked about the idea that I had to try it.

The main actors here are chickpeas, avocados, bananas, coconut and cacao.

I like to sprout the chickpeas about two days before I make the cake. Therefor I soak them for one night (8 hours) and then put them in a sprouting device and rinse them 2 or 3 times a day. When they have a white tail,I cook them for about 10 minutes. There is a big discussion about, if it is advisable to eat sprouted chickpeas raw or not. Chickpeas contain a toxin called lectin, before they are sprouted. Some say this toxin is gone after 2 days of sprouting, others recommend to sprout them way longer (up to 7 days) or cook them for 5-10 min, so the toxin is definitely gone. As I am not sure yet about what fits for me, I will stay on the save side in this recipe. You can also cook the chickpeas for one hour after soaking them. The soaking process is the only thing you can not bypass, unless you use chickpeas from the tin. Which is perfectly possible (my english is not the best, but you understand everything I guess :)).

You will need a blender and/or a food processor for this recipe. Well, if you find other ways, tell me in the comments. I am always interested in innovative mixing possibilities (as this one here: how to create a human powered bike blender)


1 cup chickpeas
1 cup coconut flakes
1 cup dates
1/4 cup coconut oil

Put everything together into your food processor and mix until it is a dough like consistency.

Chocolate Creme

3 small avocados (or two big ones)
1/4 cup agave sirup
1/3 cup cacao powder (use raw cacao powder, if you can afford it)
1/4 cup coconut oil

Blend all ingredients together with your blender, handheld blender or food processor until very smooth. I haven´t tried it yet, but maybe a fork works as well (might take some more time though…)

Layering and Decorating

3 bananas
cacao nibs
coconut flakes

Press half of the dough into the bottom of a spring form pan. Put half of the chocolate creme on top of that. Put this into the freezer and wait for 1 hour. Now press another layer of the other half of the dough on top of the chocolate cream. Cut the bananas and put them on this layer (save some banana slices for the decoration). Put the other half of the chocolate cream on top of that. Garnish with some banana slices, coconut flakes and cacao nibs.

I would put the cake into the freezer for at least another hour, to let is sit. You can also store it there if you want to eat it some days later.



This cake has a special story, because it landed upside down on the kitchen floor… It was a big mess. We were scraping all the good chocolate creme from the floor back into the form. But somehow it looked beautiful in the end.


Be aware, it is a pacman cake :D

Buckwheat and Sunflower Seed Bread


Today I want to share with you a basic technique I use to make bread. There are so many benefits of making your own bread. First of all, it is easy and you can do it by yourself! Secondly, it tastes delicious. And thirdly, it smells fantastic, when it sits in the oven. Another good thing is, that you know exactly, what the ingredients are. And it keeps fresh very long. As I am eating gluten-free, there is no gluten in this bread. It is also made without yeast or baking powder.

Consider, that the seeds need to be soaked minimum 6 hours, before you bake the bread. And now let’s go for the special technique :) You will need a blender for that. First it might seem a little complicated to follow this recipe, but if you did it once, it becomes very easy. Just give it a try :)

Buckwheat and Sunflower Seed Bread

1 cup buckwheat
1 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup flax seeds

1 1/2 cup rolled oats
3 tsp psyllium husk seeds

1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp agave sirup
3 tbsp rapeseed oil (you can also use coconut oil )

Put the buckwheat in a bowl and cover it with water. Put the sunflower seeds and the flax seeds together in another bowl and do the same. It is important, that the buckwheat sit´s in water separated from the others. Let the seeds and the buckwheat soak for at least 6 hours (over night is a good opportunity).

After the soaking time, give the buckwheat into a sieve and rinse it with fresh water. Then you use your blender to blend it until it has a somewhat slimy consistency (this was the special technique). Sieve the other soaked seeds and add them to the mixture. Add all the other ingredients and mix (with a fork, your hands, or whatever you find suitable) until everything is evenly distributed.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Put the dough into a loaf pan. If you have a silicon one, use this. If you have a normal one, make sure that you pre-grease it. Place the loaf pan in the oven on the middle rack and bake for 40 minutes.Then take it out, place it upside down on the rack and bake for about another 20 minutes. The crust should be brown and thick enough by now. Let the bread cool down completely, before you store it.

I am putting the bread into a paper bag and then wrap this into a kitchen towel. This way the bread keeps fresh up to a week.



If you have any questions about the preparation process, don´t hesitate to use the comments function!

I am wishing you a very nice day :)

Elder Flower Lemon Water


The scent and the taste of elder flowers for me is clearly related to the beginning of summer! Sweet and intense! So let´s bring some summer into the kitchen! The Name of this recipe is already telling you all ingredients, which you`ll need for the preparation. It is really simple. When gathering the elder flowers, make sure not to take them near big roads. Otherwise there will be exhaust fumes in your water later. The elder blooms from the begin of May until end of June. The elder flowers have a richer taste, when gathered after good weather periods. The outcome of this recipe is very refreshing.

Elder Flower Lemon Water

2 elder flower umbels
1 untreated lemon
2 Liter of fresh water

Wash the lemon under hot water. Cut it into thin slices. Add everything into a pot or a bowl which you can cover. Leave it there over night. You can also use the ingredients for another infusion.

Et voilà!

